We wanted to make a school room this year. Last year we did not use one and I thought it might work better if we had a place to belong. It also helped us to have a place for all our school stuff. "A place for everything and everything in its place!" We had the book shelf and we received the blue desks from an Uncle and Aunt. I love hand-me-downs! My brother also gave us the big black desk. Thanks so very much for your help and support. (If your thinking that we are related to home schoolers, I'd likes to say right now we are not. We have no close family that home schools.)
As we began to transform Buster's room into the schoolroom we had to work on finishing a bedroom downstairs in our basement for Buster to go to. My husband worked very hard and did a great job framing it in and getting it all wired. Now all we have to do is sheet rock and carpet. That is the job for this weekend.