Thursday, January 28, 2010


In science we are learning about the human body and our first lesson was about cells. We enjoyed this lesson because we got to make a model cell.

Zip-lock bag= cell membrane
Jello= cytoplasm
Piece of fruit (banana) = nucleus

Our cells divided and grew a new cell.

Then of course we ate them!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Love and Logic

Love and Logic is the parenting course that I have just started taking for the third time. I love it and the things they teach seem so powerful. I just wish I was perfect at doing them.

The course that I just started is run by a couple from Firth Idaho and is offered through our IDVA school. It is a live online classroom. Tonight was our first meeting out of six. They even have a blog that they keep.

I feel that my parenting is in serious need. I also want what is best for my children and so therefore I will keep studying and trying to improve myself.

Tonight what I am most excited that I learned (or relearned) is Recovery. A twist on time-out. Recovery is not a punishment but a chance to 'pull ones self together'. Heaven knows how bad I need to send myself to recovery often. And I think that it is good for kids to see that we have frustrations. It's okay that Mom struggles. We all do.

Another thing I was glad to be reminded of is how Love and Logic teaches ways to be the good person in my kids eyes. I can still parent them and be on their team.

I hope and pray that I will be able to apply all that I learn or at least one thing. Just as long as I make an improvement of some kind.