Thursday, January 7, 2010

Love and Logic

Love and Logic is the parenting course that I have just started taking for the third time. I love it and the things they teach seem so powerful. I just wish I was perfect at doing them.

The course that I just started is run by a couple from Firth Idaho and is offered through our IDVA school. It is a live online classroom. Tonight was our first meeting out of six. They even have a blog that they keep.

I feel that my parenting is in serious need. I also want what is best for my children and so therefore I will keep studying and trying to improve myself.

Tonight what I am most excited that I learned (or relearned) is Recovery. A twist on time-out. Recovery is not a punishment but a chance to 'pull ones self together'. Heaven knows how bad I need to send myself to recovery often. And I think that it is good for kids to see that we have frustrations. It's okay that Mom struggles. We all do.

Another thing I was glad to be reminded of is how Love and Logic teaches ways to be the good person in my kids eyes. I can still parent them and be on their team.

I hope and pray that I will be able to apply all that I learn or at least one thing. Just as long as I make an improvement of some kind.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you are always reading books and taking classes on how to improve yourself. (I'm not saying that you need to). I just think that it is really cool that you do this. You get smarter and smarter with each that you do. And it is great how you are helping you hubby to do the same.

    I took a child development class at Ricks College and I am so glad that I did, plus I had 2 big sisters to help me whenever I had difficulties or was discouraged. Glad that these classes are working for you.

    I miss seeing the kids and the other day I came across some pictures of when the kids were younger. They have grown so fast. When will the oldest be getting baptized? Let us know! That's an event NOT TO MISS.

    XOXOXOXOXOXO to everyone!
    Love GrandMOM
    p.s.What are they learning about right now?
