Monday, December 14, 2009

My top 5 things I've learned

#5 - There are a lot more choices than just public school when it comes to education .

Maybe I should have realized it sooner but I really just learned in the last two years that public school is not the only choice and that in fact public schools were started so that the poor could have a chance to be educated too, not neccessarily ment for everyone. And I love this education that we found.

#4 - Moms need socialization just as much as kids.

Infact, I have to say that one of the reasons I love to homeschool so much is because of the friends I have made, and because I get to get out and be with them on a pretty regular basis.

#3 - I am crazy!

Many people have told me that I must be patient or organized or motivated ect., and while I don't think any of this is true I do think I am crazy. This is not easy and if I don't fit any of the compliments I must be crazy.

#2 - I like being crazy!!

I do love what I do. Not all the time but in the long term perspective I love that we are willing to do this.

#1 - I love to have my kids around!

I understand many women love to send their kids away and have a break and while I do like to have a break every now and then I more prefer to have them with me. All the cute things they do and say. All their unconditional love. All their help. Their sweet voices and hugs. Non-stop hugs at that. Next to all these reasons, we get to choose what time to get up, how long we want to do school, where we want to do school, and when and if we want to go outside in the cold. I can't seem to adjust to the thought that it is nice to have them gone 7+ hours a day 5 days a week. That seems like a bit much. I guess you could call me selfish.


  1. You're better than me. I wish I could have the patience to try homeschooling.

    The kids have even said they want to homeschool. But it's only cause they think they'd be able to sit home and play all day.

    You're doing a good job!

  2. Go Natalee! Go Natalee! Go Natalee!

    I am proud of you for what you are doing! You don't need to question what you are doing now - the rewards later will be priceless the older the kids get and you will be the reason of their success later on in their lives.

    Hard work 1st, enjoyment along the way and rewards later on.
    I love you for what you are giving my grandchildren!
    Love MOM
    p.s. Aren't we all a little crazy?
